Tuesday, 31 December 2013
Monday, 30 December 2013
We got this for Christmas can't wait to try it
Something fun and creative Bake a Bone comes with over 30 recipes, some which are allergy and sensitive options for dogs with allergies. Know what's in the treats you feed your dog!
Something fun and creative Bake a Bone comes with over 30 recipes, some which are allergy and sensitive options for dogs with allergies. Know what's in the treats you feed your dog!
Sunday, 29 December 2013
Capillary refill
Procedure for circulation test
Capillary refill time
This will help you judge your pet’s blood circulation. In the non-pigmented area of your dogs gum tissue, press finger against the tissue and release. You should see white spot where your finger was. Time how quickly the white spot becomes pink again.
The normal range for capillary refill (when the colour returns) is from 1-2 seconds
2-4 seconds usually means shock or dehydration, more then 4 seconds is an emergency
Capillary refill time
This will help you judge your pet’s blood circulation. In the non-pigmented area of your dogs gum tissue, press finger against the tissue and release. You should see white spot where your finger was. Time how quickly the white spot becomes pink again.
The normal range for capillary refill (when the colour returns) is from 1-2 seconds
2-4 seconds usually means shock or dehydration, more then 4 seconds is an emergency
Friday, 27 December 2013
Snow is a temporary loss of pigment on your dogs nose.
Usually it happens to white dogs or light coloured dogs during the winter months. Although pigment loss mostly
happens in the winter but it has also being documents in other seasons.
This condition is not a health risk some researchers say its because the enzyme tyrosinase, this enzyme produces
pigment in your dogs nose. It maybe that tyrosinase is less active in the colder months, lack of sunshine, or just sensitive
to cold. Whatever the reason come Spring your dogs nose should return back to black.
Thursday, 26 December 2013
Wednesday, 25 December 2013
Tuesday, 24 December 2013
Monday, 23 December 2013
Christmas Plants, that are poisonous to our dogs. Poinsettias are not as toxic as once thought, but still can cause blistering in your dogs mouth. Holly and Mistletoe are far more toxic. Please keep these plants far out of reach from our dogs.
So everyone can enjoy Christmas.
So everyone can enjoy Christmas.
Sunday, 22 December 2013
Saturday, 21 December 2013
Danger = Turkey Bones, to our dogs
Turkey Bones Cooked bones
especially bird bones are very brittle and can easily splinter theses brittle
bones are an
enormous threat to your dog. These bones can chip teeth, puncture the stomach or intestinal wall; they also can cause an
obstruction in the digestive tract. If your dog does get into bones you will have to watch for vomiting, diarrhea, blood in
stool or straining to have a bowel movement. Also a tender abdomen when palpated. If these symptoms occur take your
dog to see the veterinarian.
enormous threat to your dog. These bones can chip teeth, puncture the stomach or intestinal wall; they also can cause an
obstruction in the digestive tract. If your dog does get into bones you will have to watch for vomiting, diarrhea, blood in
stool or straining to have a bowel movement. Also a tender abdomen when palpated. If these symptoms occur take your
dog to see the veterinarian.
Friday, 20 December 2013
40% more visit to the vets at Christmas time
We over indulge at Christmas and want to share our bounty with our dogs. Unfortunately this isn't a good idea!
Pancreatitis is a common dog ailment at Christmas. Owners think they are being nice treating their dogs to Christmas dinner with all the trimmings. In reality these rich fatty foods can kill your dog. The pancreas produces digestive enzymes to break down the fatty foods in the intestine. These enzymes become over activated and release in the pancreas instead of the intestine. In short the digestive enzymes start to break down the pancreas. Your dog will need veterinary care.
A bland diet and antibiotics are the usual treatment, but it will depend on how sick your dog is.
Pancreatitis is easier to avoid then treat. Be careful of what your dogs eat over the holidays.
Thursday, 19 December 2013
One of Keshet Rescues First Residents June 2006 12 days shy of his 16th birthday LOVE you Tashiko RIP
A snoutstik is a product like chapstik but for dog’s noses.
Rory one of our Greyhounds always had a chapped nose in the winter from
snuffing under the snow. This product
comes in three different formulas.
A natural
disinfectant; soothes and reduces inflammation and treats bacterial and fungal
A clean,
fresh scent and calming, balancing properties; provides ultra-gentle skin care
and can be applied to irritated, itchy spots as a healing aid.
Used to
treat burns and wounds; heals environmentally damaged and sensitive skin; high
in Vitamin A (restores healthy skin tissue) and C (antioxidants protect skin
from free radicals).
Did you know that a dog’s nose is at least a million times more sensitive than our own? Imagine how painful a dry or irritated dog nose can be.
Breeds like bulldogs, pugs, mastiffs, and Boston terriers are genetically prone to dry noses, and 50% of all older dogs suffer from dry dog noses.
We created snoutstik® to help alleviate dry dog noses caused by exposure to the elements, allergies or heredity, but any dog’s nose will find relief with snoutstik®’s core combination of healing, natural sunscreens, Shea Butter, Sweet Almond Oil and Jojoba Seed Oil.
Wednesday, 18 December 2013
Pilling Your Dog
Generally a lot of medication given to our dogs is in a meatball made from canned dog food so there is no issue pilling. Or pill pockets a treat that hides the pill in a specially designed pocket for pills. Some dogs are smart and will eat a round the meatball or treat leaving the pills. Some medication needs to be given on an empty stomach. So you will need to know how to pill your dog, here is how
Generally a lot of medication given to our dogs is in a meatball made from canned dog food so there is no issue pilling. Or pill pockets a treat that hides the pill in a specially designed pocket for pills. Some dogs are smart and will eat a round the meatball or treat leaving the pills. Some medication needs to be given on an empty stomach. So you will need to know how to pill your dog, here is how
to pill a dog.
1. Place one hand over dog’s muzzle adding pressure with your thumb-behind the canine tooth-this will open your dog’s mouth slightly.
2. Take your other hand (the one holding the pill) and pull down on jaw.
3. Place the pill as far back and as centered on your dogs tongue as possible.
4. Holding the dog’s mouth closed, blow on its nose or stroke it’s throat. That helps swallowing.
5 If the dog licks his nose he more than likely has swallowed the pill.
2. Take your other hand (the one holding the pill) and pull down on jaw.
3. Place the pill as far back and as centered on your dogs tongue as possible.
4. Holding the dog’s mouth closed, blow on its nose or stroke it’s throat. That helps swallowing.
5 If the dog licks his nose he more than likely has swallowed the pill.
Tuesday, 17 December 2013
Hypothermia Prevention is much easier then treating
Hypothermia occurs when your dog’s core
temperature drops below normal. When your dog is losing body heat faster then,
he can replace it.
Normal body temperature for a dog ranges
from 100 to102.5 F or 37 to 39C
In cold weather your dog will constantly be
trying to maintain his body temperature in its normal range. Dogs regulate
their temperature either by conserving their body heat or by producing more
body heat, this is similar to how we react to cold weather.
Shivering is one way your dog can produce
body heat. Piloerection is the dog equivalent to our goose bumps- with
piloerection your dog’s hair stand on end thereby trapping a layer of warmed
air beneath them. This creates an additional layer of insulation between your
dog’s body and the cold weather, and in doing so helps him to conserve body
heat; this works much better on a properly groomed dog.
Vasoconstriction is another way your dog
can conserve body heat, restricting blood flow to the extremities and keeping
blood flowing to the more vial body parts, i.e. the Brain Heart and Lungs.
Lack of
Low heart rate
and Breathing rate;
Fixed and
dilated pupils;
With mild hypothermia your dog will be
shivering and appear lethargic, moving your dog inside and wrapping in a
blanket will probably do the trick, Passive rewarming.
As your dog’s temperature drops more sever
measures are needed.
Moderate hypothermia remove dog from cold.
Warm blankets and use heating pads but not directly on the skin apply to the
trunk area of the dog.
Both severe and profound hypothermia need
Veterinary care immediately. At the vet clinic they can administer warm water
enemas and heated fluid intravenously.
Many dogs don’t survive this.
Monday, 16 December 2013
The Halti collar works on the same principle as a horse's head collar; guide the head and the body will surely follow.
The Halti makes walking your dog easier an a safer experience.
Some dogs can get quite distressed when the collar is first fitted. They will scratch at their face and try to get the collar
off. The best way to fit the collar is first make sure that you have the right size for your dog! Then clip the collar on to the
dog, and have plenty of treats to distract him. Or feed the dog with the collar on. Or play ball, anything to keep him
occupied and to stop him focusing on the collar.
Holding your Halti by the noseband the Halti assumes the shape of your dog’s head, with the two rings under his chin.
The collar section is adjustable using the slide. When the when the buckle is securely closed it should fit your dog’s neck.
The adjustment of the collar section is critical so that it can't slip over the head, nor be so tight to cause discomfort.
A two finger slackness is the best guide. Having fitted the halti, see where the noseband naturally sit.
It should be down the nose and away from eyes.
When you tighten the under-chin strap by the metal ring, it probably just
touches his jowls.
When you release pressure on the chin strap, make sure your dog can fully open his mouth without restriction.
Sunday, 15 December 2013
Saturday, 14 December 2013
Cruciate surgery vs Laser therapy
Many pet owners are turning to Laser therapy for treatment of Arthritis, 70% of dogs will get
arthritis in their lives. Instead of medications, laser therapy is used to end discomfort and give our
dogs relief from the pain of joint disease. Laser therapy reduces pain, swelling, edema, inflammation,
and gives our dogs more mobility. It works by stimulating cells to heal and produce more energy.
I have a friend who's dog has a complete torn cruciate. So we are looking into laser instead of the
$4000.00 surgery. Researching options for your pets, can only be considered being in your pets best
interest. Check out the link below.
Friday, 13 December 2013
If your dog is coughing, check his mouth for a foreign object look down his throat to see if you see anything. If the coughing continues, but the dog has no fever and still has an good appetite. You can give a cough syrup to help with the cough.
If the cough is dry harsh and persists, get in touch with your dog's veterinarian. It maybe Kennel cough which is a highly contagious respiratory infection.
If the cough is dry harsh and persists, get in touch with your dog's veterinarian. It maybe Kennel cough which is a highly contagious respiratory infection.
Thursday, 12 December 2013
Before you buy a dog!
Allergies Unfortunately many people who want dogs have allergies. The newest member of your family can cause sneezing, running nose, itchy eyes, wheezing, and the list goes on. Please try before you buy. Borrow a friends dog for a few days. Or spent time with puppy or dog at the breeders or rescue. It would be so sad for everyone.If the dog had to be returned because of Allergies...
Wednesday, 11 December 2013
You’re way ahead of the curve, having learned from studying the immunologists’ take on immunity here, here and elsewhere, that repeated vaccinations through your animals’ life are not healthy nor do they create stronger immunity. Way back in early puppyhood or kittenhood or foalhood (or childhood), immunity was established if you vaccinated. And odds are, you did. If you visited a conventional vet for your youngster, a slew of vaccinations was either recommended strongly or “required.”
Chances are, you also got regular “helpful reminders” to come in for more vaccinations at some intervals. Some of the most heinous of these came from the twice a year craziness of a Banfield “Wellness” program (It’s free! C’mon in!). Others from private clinics were only slightly less crazy, like annual vaccination postcards, or the latest iteration, every three year vaccinations.
Having had your eyes open and reading all you can, you’ve learned that even the three year repetition is based on exactly this much sound immunological sense:
Nada. Zip. Zero.
So, who is your apartment complex management to tell you that you need records of “current” vaccination? Or your groomer? Or even the boarding kennel or doggie day care you’d like to use on occasion?
Do they really have a greater understanding of immunity than the experts in this field? Short answer:
Not even close, right? Of course not. They are acting purely out of habit and probably more importantly out of C.Y.A. That stands for Cover Your, erm, Backside. Protect thyself from fears of lawsuit. That kind of nonsense.
Preceding straight talk is your attitude. You need to be confident that you KNOW this stuff, and odds are very great that your perps in their rules and regs do not. You’ve studied it, and own it in your heart of hearts. They’re merely blindly “following rules.”
Walking in like you own the place.
Even before you approach the poor rule follower who’s ruining multiple animals’ health by blindly following some rules based on self preservation, you stride in like the long lost owner of the joint, the wise one, who knew those rules before they were even written down.
This is extremely important. You’re not hoping for an exception to what the gal behind the desk sees as a stone tablet handed down from the mount. No, quite the opposite.
You are here to award your business, your hard earned dollars, on this establishment. And you’ll only, only entrust your beloved vital animal to these rubes if they meet your standards.
You’re polite, don’t get me wrong. But you’re firm. “If this place wants my business, they don’t get to demand foolish rules that have no basis in reality and that could, if followed, damage my loved ones.”
or, “Yes, I’ll be signing your lease provided we are clear on responsible animal guardianship. I’d like you to meet Clancy, whom I’m responsible for.”
See what I just did there? Who’s in charge now? That’s right: you are. This is 90% of it.
You’re not approaching them with your begging bowl, hoping to garner some sympathy for your odd beliefs about repeated vaccinations. Oh no. You know this stuff. Your vital animals are immune in ways titers can’t even begin to measure! And they have been immune and will continue to be immune without getting another jab of viruses from Dr. WhiteCoat, thank you very much!
But then, before you’re even asked and before his pathetic CYA requirements are stated, you drop something like this, right on the poor guy’s desk:
“My animals are current on all their shots and in impeccable health.”
You own this, remember? The bastions of veterinary immunology are right there with you, standing tall. Dr. Ron Schultz’s words from Current Veterinary Therapy (1992!) are shining over your forehead in gold letters:
Current. Damn right.
If you play your cards right (and you are dealing with someone with some degree of intelligence and flexibility), you should be in at this point. Some lower life forms may still look at you, dumbfounded, and not budge.
To add frosting on the guy’s cake, you can also bring in a letter you’ll sign in his presence, stating that, should your dog get sick while using his premises, you’ll not hold him or anyone else there liable. Fair enough?
If that still doesn’t get the block head’s mind to shift, rather than argue at this point, it’s better to assure them your veterinarian is behind you on this, and can provide you with a letter of waiver “if you wish.”
That assumes you’ve got a holistic vet who’s got your back, and you may not. Yet. Seek one out. Ask around, try the AHVMA or the AVH, and don’t be shy about asking for a long distance letter. I’ve written many of these over the years for my clients, and well worded, they’ve met with 98% success.
Straight Talk: Avoiding Baseless Vaccination Requirements
You’re way ahead of the curve, having learned from studying the immunologists’ take on immunity here, here and elsewhere, that repeated vaccinations through your animals’ life are not healthy nor do they create stronger immunity. Way back in early puppyhood or kittenhood or foalhood (or childhood), immunity was established if you vaccinated. And odds are, you did. If you visited a conventional vet for your youngster, a slew of vaccinations was either recommended strongly or “required.”
Chances are, you also got regular “helpful reminders” to come in for more vaccinations at some intervals. Some of the most heinous of these came from the twice a year craziness of a Banfield “Wellness” program (It’s free! C’mon in!). Others from private clinics were only slightly less crazy, like annual vaccination postcards, or the latest iteration, every three year vaccinations.
Having had your eyes open and reading all you can, you’ve learned that even the three year repetition is based on exactly this much sound immunological sense:
Nada. Zip. Zero.
So, who is your apartment complex management to tell you that you need records of “current” vaccination? Or your groomer? Or even the boarding kennel or doggie day care you’d like to use on occasion?
Do they really have a greater understanding of immunity than the experts in this field? Short answer:
Not even close, right? Of course not. They are acting purely out of habit and probably more importantly out of C.Y.A. That stands for Cover Your, erm, Backside. Protect thyself from fears of lawsuit. That kind of nonsense.
What’s a Mother to Do?
My goal today is to arm you with practical language to traverse this mine field of ignorance that threatens to make your vital animal seriously ill if you stumble.Preceding straight talk is your attitude. You need to be confident that you KNOW this stuff, and odds are very great that your perps in their rules and regs do not. You’ve studied it, and own it in your heart of hearts. They’re merely blindly “following rules.”
Attitude: I Got This
I had an older brother influencing me growing up, and for all the hero worship I gave him before I saw his dark side, I gleaned something of use for you today. It is sometimes called copping an attitude. Pete called it:Walking in like you own the place.
Even before you approach the poor rule follower who’s ruining multiple animals’ health by blindly following some rules based on self preservation, you stride in like the long lost owner of the joint, the wise one, who knew those rules before they were even written down.
This is extremely important. You’re not hoping for an exception to what the gal behind the desk sees as a stone tablet handed down from the mount. No, quite the opposite.
You are here to award your business, your hard earned dollars, on this establishment. And you’ll only, only entrust your beloved vital animal to these rubes if they meet your standards.
You’re polite, don’t get me wrong. But you’re firm. “If this place wants my business, they don’t get to demand foolish rules that have no basis in reality and that could, if followed, damage my loved ones.”
Let the Words Rain Down
“Good morning! I’m here to look at your facility and see if I might board (or groom) my animals with you.”or, “Yes, I’ll be signing your lease provided we are clear on responsible animal guardianship. I’d like you to meet Clancy, whom I’m responsible for.”
See what I just did there? Who’s in charge now? That’s right: you are. This is 90% of it.
You’re not approaching them with your begging bowl, hoping to garner some sympathy for your odd beliefs about repeated vaccinations. Oh no. You know this stuff. Your vital animals are immune in ways titers can’t even begin to measure! And they have been immune and will continue to be immune without getting another jab of viruses from Dr. WhiteCoat, thank you very much!
Wait for It…
Before you play the V Card, it’s good to let the rule follower know that you approve of their facility (at least tentatively; it appears to be adequate).But then, before you’re even asked and before his pathetic CYA requirements are stated, you drop something like this, right on the poor guy’s desk:
“My animals are current on all their shots and in impeccable health.”
You own this, remember? The bastions of veterinary immunology are right there with you, standing tall. Dr. Ron Schultz’s words from Current Veterinary Therapy (1992!) are shining over your forehead in gold letters:
“Immunity to viruses persists for years or for the life of the animal.”If he can’t see those words, hanging there, well, that’s his problem. The fire in your eyes let’s him know that YOU know they are there. Hovering. Speaking their truth. The truth is, your animals ARE immune from those early life vaccinations, and will stay that way till the grave.
Current. Damn right.
If you play your cards right (and you are dealing with someone with some degree of intelligence and flexibility), you should be in at this point. Some lower life forms may still look at you, dumbfounded, and not budge.
To add frosting on the guy’s cake, you can also bring in a letter you’ll sign in his presence, stating that, should your dog get sick while using his premises, you’ll not hold him or anyone else there liable. Fair enough?
If that still doesn’t get the block head’s mind to shift, rather than argue at this point, it’s better to assure them your veterinarian is behind you on this, and can provide you with a letter of waiver “if you wish.”
That assumes you’ve got a holistic vet who’s got your back, and you may not. Yet. Seek one out. Ask around, try the AHVMA or the AVH, and don’t be shy about asking for a long distance letter. I’ve written many of these over the years for my clients, and well worded, they’ve met with 98% success.
Tuesday, 10 December 2013
Winter threats to our pets
can cause unwanted debts
how to keep them healthy, and stay wealthy
Winter Canine Hazard Seminar
7:00 to 9:00 pm December 10th,
COST $5.00
CPR/AR and Choking DEMO
At 37 Parkmount Cr.
Julia Moffat at 613-697-7966
Sunday, 8 December 2013
You draw us near, nothing else around It seems we all like marking your spot A fountain of red or yellow on the ground
Us dogs like the continual territorial shot You wait for the next canine sniff and then the leg will cock
Your a messenger of daily canine talk.
Us dogs like the continual territorial shot You wait for the next canine sniff and then the leg will cock
Your a messenger of daily canine talk.
Saturday, 7 December 2013
Assessing Pain
If your dog is demonstrating pain. We need to assess the dog's behaviour to see how much pain the dog is in and what to do.
No Pain
If your dog's demeanor is happily eating, drinking, sitting, lying down, getting up, walking, running, content and bounding about, tail wagging, its obvious to you there is no pain or discomfort.
Mild Pain
Your dog will show signs of being less active, may still eat and drink but without his usual zest. Less tail wagging and
may be slow getting up and slow to walk. May show signs of discomforted being touched.
Moderate Pain
Your dog will not be interested in food, your dog will seem depressed, may tremble(shaking) Hanging head, tucked abdomen, may whimper needs veterinary care. Refuses to move, body may be hunched and tense. Could be aggressive protective of body.
Severe Pain
Restless, very vocal or too quiet, shaking refuses food and water, extremely depressed, may urinate, defecate, vomit without getting up. Uninterested in surrounding, tense and rigid body,Needs veterinary care.
No Pain
If your dog's demeanor is happily eating, drinking, sitting, lying down, getting up, walking, running, content and bounding about, tail wagging, its obvious to you there is no pain or discomfort.
Mild Pain
Your dog will show signs of being less active, may still eat and drink but without his usual zest. Less tail wagging and
may be slow getting up and slow to walk. May show signs of discomforted being touched.
Moderate Pain
Your dog will not be interested in food, your dog will seem depressed, may tremble(shaking) Hanging head, tucked abdomen, may whimper needs veterinary care. Refuses to move, body may be hunched and tense. Could be aggressive protective of body.
Severe Pain
Restless, very vocal or too quiet, shaking refuses food and water, extremely depressed, may urinate, defecate, vomit without getting up. Uninterested in surrounding, tense and rigid body,Needs veterinary care.
Friday, 6 December 2013
SHELTIE Beauty and Brains
Orgins the rugged Shetland Islands off the coast of Scotland
.The little sheltie is thought to be a descendent from the working rough collie. The Shelties most enduring feature is their temperament, a delight to be with. Shelties relationship with their owners usually is sensitive and responsive, eager to please and understand what his owner expects. This eager to please sheltie does best when working, training, or playing with their owners. Standards are not specific the are about 13 to 16 inches high, weight varies. They have a beautiful flowing coat that is easy to care for, brushing once a week will keep your dog looking beautiful. Extremely intelligent shelties have beauty and brains.
Thursday, 5 December 2013
WHISKERS Bruce Fogle DOG The definitive guide for dog owners
Touch is one of the most vital senses to your dog, 40 % of their touch receptors are in their face. As young puppies they swing their heads back and forth to find warmth and nourishment form their mothers. Touch sustains life. Whiskers are fine feelers and give dogs much information in their environment. Whiskers help your dog navigate around their surroundings because they are sensitive to vibrations in the air currents. When the air moves through the whiskers they vibrate this helps your dog determine how close and big objects are near them. This assists your dog from running into things in dim light.
Wednesday, 4 December 2013
BORZOI (Simon and Schuster's guide to DOGS)
Since we are teaching a Borzoi in our Canine First Aid class I thought I'd do a blog about this Breed.
The Borzoi origin, this breed was imported from Arabia by a Russian nobleman in the 1600.
Later the Borzoi was crossed with the Collie and the Lapp sled dogs, too produce its distinguished looks.
These dogs weigh about 75 to 105 pounds and an average height is about 30 inches. Once used as ferocious hunters of wolves, they have been adapted as a companion dog, extremely loyal, docile, and silent they make a wonderful addition to a family.
Tuesday, 3 December 2013
Dog Treat Recipe From
As a clicker trainer , I use a LOT of treats. Below
are a number of treat recipes that I have saved -- these are not my recipes,
but come from a variety of different people who have shared them over the
years. There are many recipes for liver treats, plus a number of non-liver treats . Included are some recipes for special dietary needs. I also have some ideas for
turning hot dogs into treats, and last but not
least are some Kong stuffing ideas. At the bottom are links to other recipe websites. Enjoy!
Note to
those outside the US: all temperatures given are Fahrenheit. To convert roughly to Celsius
(Centigrade), just divide in half. For example, 350 degrees Fahrenheit would
equal 175 degrees Celsius. For more conversion information, click on any of the
Chef's Calculator
Measurement Conversion Calculator
Interactive Units Calculator
Raw Feeding Calculator (scroll down to Measure Equivalents for Cups/Fl Oz/Tbsp/Tsp/Ml table)
Measurement Conversion Calculator
Interactive Units Calculator
Raw Feeding Calculator (scroll down to Measure Equivalents for Cups/Fl Oz/Tbsp/Tsp/Ml table)
about raisins: Raisins
(and grapes) can be dangerous to dogs, resulting in kidney failure. I have
removed raisins from all recipes below. Although a few raisins should not harm
your dog, they should not be given regularly or in large amounts. See Grape and Raisin
Toxicity in Dogs for more
Hint: To easily crumble treats into
small pieces for training, use a pizza cutter shortly after removing from the
Liver Bread
Here is a
recipe that's quick, easy, cheap, keeps well, etc. and dogs LOVE it.
· 1 lb of
any kind of liver, pureed
· 1 cup of any kind of flour
· 1 cup of corn meal
· 2 Tbsp of Garlic powder (amount optional; see Note about garlic below)
· 1 Tbsp of oil
· 1 cup of any kind of flour
· 1 cup of corn meal
· 2 Tbsp of Garlic powder (amount optional; see Note about garlic below)
· 1 Tbsp of oil
Puree the
liver and mix in the other ingredients. Spread on a cookie sheet or
jellyroll pan (I line a pan with foil and oil it). Bake at 350 degrees
for about 25 minutes. Cool and break in pieces. I divide into bags and freeze.
It thaws very quickly or the dogs will eat it still frozen. They care

Liver Bits
works well if you want a dry treat that won't leave any residue. It's a bit
like the liver bread recipe but less bready in texture. After it's cooked in
the microwave and cut up into bite-size bits, the trick to drying it out is the
last step.
· 1 lb.
chicken liver
· 1 cup graham cracker crumbs
· 3 tablespoons molasses or honey
· ¼ cup parsley
· 1 cup graham cracker crumbs
· 3 tablespoons molasses or honey
· ¼ cup parsley
Place all
ingredients in the bowl of food processor. Process until smooth. Pour into a
microwaveable container, approximately 8" square or round. Microwave on
high until a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean. This takes 7
minutes in my microwave, but your mileage may vary. When cooked, turn out of
pan immediately, allow the bottom to dry since it will be damp from
condensation, and cut into squares while still warm.
bits on a foil-lined cookie sheet and bake at 200° for 1.5 hours.
Freeze or

Liver Brownies (and Variations)
1 lb
liver, any kind
1 cup corn meal
1 1/2 cups flour
1 tsp fresh minced garlic OR 1/2 tsp garlic powder (see Note about garlic below)
1 tsp fennel or anise seed
1/2 tsp salt
1 cup corn meal
1 1/2 cups flour
1 tsp fresh minced garlic OR 1/2 tsp garlic powder (see Note about garlic below)
1 tsp fennel or anise seed
1/2 tsp salt
Pat liver
dry with paper towel. Cut into small chunks and grind in blender or food
processor. In large bowl, mix liver with corn meal and flour. This will be very
stiff and all the flour may not blend in, so add gradually add garlic and salt.
Spread mixture on greased cookie sheet. Bake at 350 degrees for 20 minutes.
Allow to cool 10 minutes; cut into squares. May be refrigerated or frozen.
Being an
inveterate recipe-fiddler, I tried experimenting with the recipe and making
additions. Here are some of my findings.
I made
the first batch with chicken livers and hearts using cumin seed instead of
fennel or anise (which I didn't have). That was such a success that I made
another batch with beef heart instead. Dynamite! For this batch I also added
half a bunch of broad-leafed parsley to the heart when blending it with the
garlic. (I never imagined dogs would like garlic so.)
addition to the cornmeal, I force-kneaded in far more flour than either recipe
originally calls for so that the dough no longer stuck to the working surface.
I patted this out into a one-inch slab that I dredged in some more flour and
then baked on a non-stick cookie sheet for about an hour in a 350 degree oven.
After allowing the slab to cool for ten minutes or so, I cut it up into
one-inch cubes.
result was a crunchy crust with a chewy interior. I always have to restrain
myself from trying one myself. When I showed them to our vet (who had come to
administer Urger's shots) he DID eat one. He said it was delicious. Our also
cats think these things are GREAT but our dogs won't let them anywhere near
good things that you can add are:
A whole
egg or two
Fresh yogurt
Grated raw carrots or apples
Crushed walnuts
Coriander, caraway, etc
Fresh yogurt
Grated raw carrots or apples
Crushed walnuts
Coriander, caraway, etc
quantities are not too crucial. If the dough gets too gloppy, just force knead
in some more flour until it isn't any more. Depending on what you add and how
much, the baking time will vary but the temperature should be the same (350
degrees). When the slab is done you will know by its (rather delicious) smell,
by its ability to spring out of the pan on its own, and by a clean hollow sound
that it gives when you tap it.
things make great training treats by the way. When I was teaching Urger to
heel, I always kept a few in my pocket. He NEVER left my side... ;-)
If you
make a very large batch and the weather is warmish, it's probably a good idea
to freeze the cubes. They won't last in the fridge for much more than a week
because they'll start to go moldy.

Anise Flavored Liver Treats
My recipe
has been known to turn grown dogs into pups again! The secret is to boil it
first - apologize to your neighbours in advance - in a fair bit of water (2
litres or 4 pints or more for two whole livers) with two teaspoons of aniseed
powder. It makes all the difference. I don't know the exact temp for the oven,
because I use a food dryer, but about like you would use for keeping food or
plates warm (very low). Leave it in until it is able to be snapped apart like a
But do
try the aniseed powder - they go mad for it. All our obedience class ignore
their commercial liver and crowd round me for the aniseed variety!

Home-Made Rollover
Oinker Roll, and Natural balance all work well, are about as cost effective as
making your own, and are a heck of a lot less trouble, but a good recipe is:
Grind up
1 lb. organ meat, any flavor, in blender or food processor. Add raw
garlic & spices to your heart's content (see Note about garlic below). Put in one pkg.
Jiffy corn muffin mix. Pour into baking pan to a depth of ¼-½ inch.
Bake at 375 until just the very middle is still red, then turn off the oven and
let the center cook. Slice and baggie up.

Home-Made Freeze-Dried Liver
You can
boil real liver on the stove or nuke it, wash it off and dry it, then toss it
all in a frost-free freezer, and in a month or so, you'll have home-made
freeze-dried liver, practically free. I toss a new batch in once a month
or so and always have a new "crop" ready. I use the liver
sparingly in training and usually at shows and important events for that added

Liver Treats
I use
beef liver, cut into half inch slices. Add slices to boiling water and
after full boil begins again, boil for 5 minutes. At this time I have also
added either garlic or soup stock (usually chicken) to the water so it is
"flavored" (see Note about garlic below). After the first 5
minutes of boiling I remove the strips and put them on paper towels and let
them air dry for about 10 minutes. Then I place them on a cookie sheet
with sides..put them into the oven for about an hour at 200 degrees .
Depending on your oven (I have a convected oven that passes warmed air over the
food) you leave them in there until they become dry and semi hard.
Meantime I have added more liver to the boiling water for the second
batch. I keep doing this (adding water as needed) until I have made
enough treats to last a month or more. Keep on rotating to paper towels, then
oven. When the strips are semi soft, then rub them between two paper
towels to remove any seasonings attached from the water. Now slice them
up to the bits size you want. Put back into the oven until they are dry
and stiff to touch. After they have cooled, I put enough in an aluminum
foil or plastic baggie for a ''session''. I then put all the sealed (with
twist tie or just crinkled up foil) bags into a regular brown box, toss them
into the freezer and they are ready and waiting. I have also found out that
when they are first taken out, it is a good idea to ''whack'' the baggie on the
counter so the pieces separate and then let them dry out on the counter on top
of a napkin or paper towel. This way they stay dry and are not
messy. In a rush...(is there ever enough thought time to do everything
just when it needs doing?), I have nuked the pieces after spreading out on a
paper towel just before a show. It makes them a little more rubbery and softer
but not so messy that they can't be in a pocket or bait bag.

Pocketable Treats
I have
two suggestions for pocketable treats. My dogs love BOTH and they are simple
and inexpensive.
1) I cut
a hot dog into about 50 slices (thin) and then cut each slice into quarters.
Spread the little pieces on a paper towel and microwave for 3-5 minutes, or
until crisp. These seem to keep for well over a week in the refrigerator, but
mine don't last that long with 3 dogs in the house!
2) I buy
thin sliced calves liver (the thinner, the better!) at the market for about $1
per pound. Boil it in a large skillet for about 5 minutes, or until there is no
more blood coming from it. Then, take the liver out of the water and spread the
cooked pieces on a flat baking sheet. Bake this in the oven at 250 degrees for
2-3 hours. This produces a liver jerky type treat. The longer you bake it, the
tougher it becomes, so if you want to pocket it, I'd bake until it is good and
dried out. Added bonus - I take the boiled water and add it to the dogs food
that evening!
I put
treats in my mouth rather than my pocket, so these treats work well for me. It
keeps my dogs looking at my face, and treats are always handy. I'm sure you'll
get other good suggestions for pocket treats.

Beardie Brownies
easy recipe that is almost fail proof is what is called Beardie Brownies.
First you take 1 pound of liver (any type) and either have the butcher grind it
up or if you have a grinder yourself (chicken is the best if all you have is a
blender since beef have stringy tendons) Then add one box of cornbread
mix (we use Jiffy down here but any brand will do) I usually add lots of
garlic powder (see Note about garlic below) and a bit of oil (you can
add spinach, an egg what ever) then you pour into a pan (at least 9 x 12 or
bigger) first spray with cooking spray and then bake for 15 minutes at
350. I actually had to bring in copies for the seminar participants (G)
Saturday night I baked 5 batches!

Liver Treats
- Puree (really liquidize!)
1lb raw liver, 1 egg, and 1 tsp - 1 tbsp garlic (see Note about garlic below).
- Pour into bowl and add your
choice of flour. I can't say how much flour as it depends on what flour
you are using (white, wheat, corn, rice...) and which type (chicken or
beef or lamb) liver you are using and how much blood came with it (dump
the whole container in the mixer). The easiest way to learn the best
consistency is to make Bisquick drop biscuits! It is quick, easy and
gives you exact measurements to get the right consistency. Right
after making your biscuits is a good time to make the dog treats as the memory
of the feel is still in your hands. It isn't really that vital
though. When first learning to make them I varied from pouring like
a cake mix to having to mould into shape. Turns out Ok from both
- Spread in approx 9" X
13" jelly roll pan or cake pan it will be about ¼ " deep. Comes
out much better if you grease the pan first! I use the cooking
sprays as it is quicker and not so messy.
- Bake 360 deg. 1 hr.
- When you cut into it color
should have changed showing brown instead of red/pink. I found it comes
out better if you remove from pan immediately instead of cooling
first. Also easier to cut into strips with the spatula. For ease of
holding cut down center of length then into 2 - 4 ½ " strips, then
down the length into ¼ - ¾ " depending on your preference.
Store in
freezer taking out enough to last that day or 3-4 days in fridge. Can go strait
from freezer to microwave. I usually take a 2" diameter roll of
strips and microwave 30 seconds at level 5.
original recipe came from Joyce Stranger in England. She sets it down in a
couple of books. One we have over here in the USA is "Thursday's
Child" a very good dog book. All her books are fantastic. I
have never been disappointed in a book of hers and learn something from each

Oven-Dried Liver
I buy ox
liver because its the cheapest and also easier to handle. I cut it into strips
roughly half inch x quarter inch and as long as you like, then place on a wire
mesh tray (I use the wire from the bottom of the toaster), then place in the
oven on slow cook or as the lowest possible setting and let it cook/dry out for
five or six hour or untill it appears dry. I leave it out overnight or for a
couple of days to dry further, then place in a container. It does not need to
be refrigerated -- I put some in my walking coat pocket and keep it there for
weeks. The dogs love it -- it's crunchy and they keep coming back for more.
Amy and
the Scotties have come up with a couple of unique recipes that are
drawing raves from the dogs that have tried them:
Tuna Training Treats
· 2 6-oz.
cans tuna in water, do not drain
· 2 eggs
· 1 to 1 ½ c. flour (rice flour is best, but any kind will do)
· 1 Tbsp. garlic powder (see Note about garlic below)
· parmesan cheese
· 2 eggs
· 1 to 1 ½ c. flour (rice flour is best, but any kind will do)
· 1 Tbsp. garlic powder (see Note about garlic below)
· parmesan cheese
Mash tuna
and water in a bowl with a fork to get clumps out, then liquefy in blender or
food processor. Add extra drops of water if needed to liquefy completely. Pour
into bowl and add flour and garlic powder; consistency should be like cake mix.
Spread into greased or sprayed pan; I find that a round pizza pan or square
cake pan is perfect. Sprinkle with LOTS of parmesan cheese. Bake at 350 degrees
for 15 minutes; edges will pull away and texture will be like putty. Use a
pizza cutter and slice into teeny squares. These freeze beautifully, and the
dogs love them...and, no liver to mess with!
Go Bananas Training Treats
· 3 cups
· 1 1/4 cups flour
· 2 eggs
· 1/4 cup oil
· 1/2 cup honey
· 1/2 cup milk
· 2 mashed bananas
· 1 1/4 cups flour
· 2 eggs
· 1/4 cup oil
· 1/2 cup honey
· 1/2 cup milk
· 2 mashed bananas
liquid ingredients, eggs and mashed bananas, making sure to mix well. Add flour
and oatmeal. Mixture will be similar to cake mix. Spread into a well-greased
pizza pan and bake at 325 degrees for about 25 minutes. Cut into tiny squares
or strips using a pizza cutter. Keep refrigerated; store unused in freezer. The
Scotties give these two paws up!!!
Turkey Treats
· 1 lb.
ground turkey (pure turkey, NOT turkey sausage)
· 1 cup oatmeal
· 1 egg
· parmesan (I used 1/2 cup)
· garlic powder (see Note about garlic below)
· 1 cup oatmeal
· 1 egg
· parmesan (I used 1/2 cup)
· garlic powder (see Note about garlic below)
Mix all
ingredients together using hands and pat into a greased loaf pan. Bake at 350
degrees for 30-35 minutes. Cool *thoroughly*, then cut into thick strips (these
do not hold together when slicing into small squares); freeze unused portions
and keep the portions you're using refrigerated. Has the consistency of

Salmon Cookies
In memory
of Cosette
· 15oz
can of Salmon or Jack Mackerel
· some flour
· 2 teasp of salt
· 1 teasp of baking powder
· Optional: add sprinkle of garlic powder if desired (see Note about garlic below)
· some flour
· 2 teasp of salt
· 1 teasp of baking powder
· Optional: add sprinkle of garlic powder if desired (see Note about garlic below)
together fish, plus ALL liquid from can, salt & baking powder, add enough
flour for texture
Spread out on cookie sheet
Score into sections (easier to break apart when done)
Bake at 350 degrees for about 30 mins. or crust is golden
Spread out on cookie sheet
Score into sections (easier to break apart when done)
Bake at 350 degrees for about 30 mins. or crust is golden
Store in
container in frig or freezer for longer periods of time

Cafe Corduroy Recipe
· 1 pound
of meat, veggies, tofu, fish-whatever is on sale-peanut butter, liver, etc- I
use the organic or free range, growth hormone free kinds of meat, farm raised
fish. I just have a thing for nutrition and not harming any animal but of
course that's just me.
· 6-8 cups of organic rolled oats, dry
· 1-3 cups of water-depends on the amount of rolled oats you use
· 3 eggs
· 2 tablespoons of garlic (see Note about garlic below)
· 1 pound of pureed mixed veggies- optional
· 6-8 cups of organic rolled oats, dry
· 1-3 cups of water-depends on the amount of rolled oats you use
· 3 eggs
· 2 tablespoons of garlic (see Note about garlic below)
· 1 pound of pureed mixed veggies- optional
I precook
the meat, seems to holds it flavour and smell better and working with raw liver
is nasty, then puree it in the food processor. Mix the main ingredients,
eggs, garlic and rolled oats together until they are well mixed- I use my
hands, it's just MUCH easier- and then add the water. You want a goopy mess,
let it sit for about 30 minutes until it's a harder mess. Then roll it out on
the cookie sheets until it's about a half inch thick. Cut it in to whatever
shapes you want it to be and spread some of the left over dry oats on top to
keep it from sticking to your rolling pin. I cut them into tiny squares for
training treats, triangles and squares for biscuit treats. Bake them for
30 minutes at 350 and then allow them to air dry-out of reach of furry faces-
I've made
them with tuna, mackerel, salmon, anchovies and anything else that I can think
of along with the normal ingredients listed above.
One word
of caution is that if your dog passes gas, it is Extremely odiferous, enough to
wake you out of a deep sleep if you use fish. I'd start slowly introducing it,
mixing it in with other treats just like you would with a regular food change.
You can
also use Rye flour or Brown Rice flour instead of the rolled oats for harder
treats. If you use Brown Rice flour you need to let it sit in the
refrigerator overnight or you'll get a crumbly mess. I don't use corn or
wheat since they are the main canine allergens but if they don't bother your
dog, then they are cheaper alternatives.

Mutt Muffins
· 1 small
jar of baby applesauce/or equivalent in *regular* applesauce
· 2 carrots
· 2 Tbsp honey
· 2 ¾ cup water
· ¼ tsp vanilla
· 1 egg
· 2 carrots
· 2 Tbsp honey
· 2 ¾ cup water
· ¼ tsp vanilla
· 1 egg
Shred the
carrots with hand shredder or food processor. In a bowl, mix all wet
ingredients together and add the applesauce. Mix thoroughly.
· 4 cups
whole wheat flour
· 1 Tbsp baking powder
· 1 Tbsp nutmeg/pumpkin pie spice*
· 1 Tbsp baking powder
· 1 Tbsp nutmeg/pumpkin pie spice*
dry ingredients.
Add wet
ingredients to dry and mix thoroughly, scraping the sides and bottom of the
bowl to be sure none of the dry mixture is left. Grease a muffin tin with
non-stick spray. (Paper liners stick to the muffins so just use a greased
muffin tin) Using an ice cream scoop, fill each cup ¾ full. Bake at 350°
for approximately 1 hour. Makes about 2 dozen Mutt Muffins. Enjoy!
* Note:
Nutmeg can cause problems for dogs in large quantities, and is probably best
avoided. Dogs don't need these added spices.

Garlic Chicken
Laura and Diesel share their very favourite
garlic/parmesan chicken recipe: Boil the chicken in water, heavily seasoned
with garlic (see Note about garlic below). When boiled, cut the
chicken into tiny bits, spread on a baking sheet and sprinkle a lot of parmesan
cheese on top. Put the bits in the oven (low heat, around 110 degrees
Celsius/Centigrade, 225 degrees Fahrenheit) and bake them until they become

Peanut Butter Treats
· 2
tablespoons corn oil
· ½ cup peanut butter
· 1 cup water
· 1 cup whole wheat flour
· 2 cups white flour
· ½ cup peanut butter
· 1 cup water
· 1 cup whole wheat flour
· 2 cups white flour
oven to 350°. Combine oil, peanut butter and water. Add Flour 1 cup at a time,
then knead into firm dough. Roll dough to ¼ inch thickness and cut with small
bone shaped cookie cutter. Bake at 350° for 20 minutes. Makes 2½ dozen.

Turkey Sausages
· ground turkey meat (any amount)
· low sodium breadcrumbs
· parmesan cheese
· parsley flakes
· ground turkey meat (any amount)
· low sodium breadcrumbs
· parmesan cheese
· parsley flakes
In a
large mixing bowl, add 1 teaspoon (per lb of meat) of parsley and 1 tablespoon
(per lb of meat) of parmesan cheese to the meat. Stir in breadcrumbs
until the mixture is somewhat dry. You should be able to form small balls and
roll sausage shaped treats between your hands without having the mixture stick
to your hands (too moist) or crumble apart (too dry). Place on jelly roll
pan lined with aluminum foil. Bake at 350 until the sausages are lightly
browned on the outside and fully cooked on the inside. Remove to
absorbent paper towels and blot the sausages to remove excess grease.
Store cooled sausages in ziploc bags in the freezer. For training treats, cut
sausages into raisin sized pieces.

Wendy's Oyster Crackers Recipe
These are
non-messy, pretty much low-fat, low salt and best of all, fast and easy for the
dog to munch. They are as follows:
1 full
bag of oyster crackers (reg. store size)
½ stick of butter or margarine
approx. ¼ cup of favorite cheese or liver powder
½ stick of butter or margarine
approx. ¼ cup of favorite cheese or liver powder
crackers into large bowl, sprinkle in all the powder, mix up slightly
Pour melted butter over whole thing and gently mix to coat crackers evenly
Spread crackers on cookie sheets and pop into oven for 3 to 6 minutes at 325 degrees. Be careful, the cheesy stuff wants to burn fast.
Pour melted butter over whole thing and gently mix to coat crackers evenly
Spread crackers on cookie sheets and pop into oven for 3 to 6 minutes at 325 degrees. Be careful, the cheesy stuff wants to burn fast.
will keep indefinitely, my girls love them. Won't stand up much to being crushed
in a front pocket though, but a shirt pocket is good.Now brand vitamins also
offers liver powder, see http://www.juicers.net/2450.html.

Garlic Treats
Pound a
boneless chicken breast (or turkey breast, or a piece of round steak) to a
uniform thickness of about ¼". Sprinkle *liberally* with garlic
powder on both sides (see Note about garlic below). Microwave on a
paper plate, covered with wax paper, for 2-3 minutes per side. Cut into
tiny pieces when cool. Keeps for several weeks in the refrigerator, or
can be frozen.

treats, I use raw meat jerky. I splurged and bought a big dehydrator
(Excalibur) from http://www.lucyskitchenshop.com/ and I'm just so happy with it! I
spread the hamburger (the packages I buy have long strands of meat) on the
tray(s), or slice lean meat or liver, and put it on the lowest heat until it's
completely dry and easy to handle without my paws getting at all yucky. Max
loves these treats and will do anything for them :-).
really finicky woofies who aren't interested in plain meat jerky (Max still
thinks it's to die for <g>) one could first marinate the meat with tiny
bits of garlic (and then remove so it won't be too yucky for our paws), or even
use garlic powder to make a treat really high value, which might help when there
are distractions or one wants to work on the recall :-) (see Note about garlic below).
The only
key is to use lean meat when dehydrating, and keep it on the lowest temperature
so that it's as close to raw as possible, and keep it in the dehydrator until
it's completely dry so it's non yucky and will keep. Max has been in heaven
since I started making jerky :-).

Generic Meat Treats
I don't
have any "recipes" per se, but I have discovered that I save a lot of
money on treats by visiting the "expires-today" meat bin at the
supermarket (we call this "used meat" at our house :-)).
Yesterday I bought 1 lb of "used" beef hearts for $0.50; this yielded
an entire freezer bag full of training treats and the dogs went wild over it.
I confess
to being very lazy when it comes to cooking for my dogs; just about everything
goes in the microwave to be nuked until rubbery or crunchy, depending on the
substance being cooked. My generic formula for Dog Manna follows. Note
that you may have to adjust cooking times for your microwave, type and
thickness of meat, and your dog's taste -- but this isn't rocket science; your
dog will love the results no matter what you do!
1. Place
slices/slabs of meat on a paper plate, sprinkle with garlic powder (optional,
see Note about garlic below), cover with a sheet of
wax paper, microwave on full power for 1 minute. Turn slices over and
microwave for 1 minute on the other side.
2. Slice
meat into strips, then cut into small dice. Spread diced bits out on a
paper plate, cover with wax paper, and nuke for another 2 minutes. They
will look overdone for your taste, but you want them dry enough to carry in your
pocket, and the dogs seem to like them just fine this way. Allow to cool
completely before transferring to a storage container.
it! Store results in refrigerator for a week, or in the freezer
indefinitely. We grab a handful out of the freezer on our way to class,
and they're completely thawed by the time we get there (our dogs are also happy
to eat them frozen).

Beef Heart Treats
Simmer a
beef heart in boiling water seasoned with a little garlic powder for about 2 ½
hours (see Note about garlic below). Remove. Slice into thin
slices and freeze in bags containing the amount you want for individual use.
When you need them, remove from freezer and defrost by holding under your arm
if necessary.
It smells
like roast beef, and I am told it also tastes like roast beef (for those of you
who hold your treats in your mouth!).

Dog Cookies
· 3 cups
whole wheat flour
· 2 small cans dog food or cat food
· 1 egg
· 1 ½ to 2 cups liquid (I make sure it isn't to dry or to wet so you may have to make your own judgment as to how much liquid to use. I also use left over gravy or broth as the liquid).
· 2 small cans dog food or cat food
· 1 egg
· 1 ½ to 2 cups liquid (I make sure it isn't to dry or to wet so you may have to make your own judgment as to how much liquid to use. I also use left over gravy or broth as the liquid).
oven to 375 degrees. Stir together all ingredients and drop by spoonful on
greased cookie sheet. Bake for 12-14 minutes. These can be stored in
refrigerated and also frozen.
these are cooled down I cut them into small pieces with kitchen shears then put
them in freezer bags and store in the refrigerator.

Garlic & Herb Treats
Sunday, I took the stuffing that was in the chicken my hubby picked up for
class treats, rolled it into quarter-inch balls, brushed them with the
garlic&herb butter, then baked 'em in the toaster oven. Talk about a
behavior monkey. Nicholas was jumping around doing whatever he THOUGHT I
was going to ask for next. And these treats are much, much less greasy.
suspicion is that he would respond like that to ANYTHING brushed with this
stuff, but what I used was a cornbread stuffing that had chicken bits in
it. Here's my hubby's recipe for the garlic & herb butter:
· 1 stick
butter (we use organic unsalted)
· 1-2 cloves crushed garlic (to taste) (see Note about garlic below)
· ½ tsp. basil
· 1/8 -¼ tsp. each oregano & parsley
· 1-2 cloves crushed garlic (to taste) (see Note about garlic below)
· ½ tsp. basil
· 1/8 -¼ tsp. each oregano & parsley
just put
ingredients in a bowl and microwave them until the butter is melted. Stir and
spread on whatever you want to use as a "super" treat.

Shirley Chong's Recipe for Nuked Tortellini
In the
spirit of older recipes (that start out "first, catch one hare..."),
my recipe starts out: first, find the cooler in the grocery store where they
sell the tortellini... <G> Chris Babiarz is the person who clued me into
nuking them to make them crispy. I lightly butter a glass pie plate (to keep
them from sticking). I spread out one layer of tortellini. Put them in the
microwave for 4 minutes (microwaves vary) until they are hot all the way
through and definitely crispy. Be careful opening the microwave door, they
create quite a billow of steam in there! They turn out much smaller than their
original size and, once they've cooled they keep for weeks--if not forever.

Liverwurst Treats
Freeze it
for a little while, 'til it's firm enough to slice into slices and then cut the
slices into cubes. Put it in the microwave and nuke for awhile. Microwaves
vary, so keep an eye on them. They'll get all dark and rubbery and greasy when
they're done. It's easier to carry them that way and my dogs are crazy about

Bologna Recipe
... my
husband brought home 2 packages of cheap chicken bologna (buy one get one free)
and he suggested that I try nuking them like I do the hotdogs... So I cut
them into strips and nuked them til they were like cork.
I won't
brag too much but everyone I gave some to at our Shirley Florida Seminar their
dogs love them and I have the honor of being worshiped by all three of Shirleys
dogs. (I made a doggie/people basket for Shirley that was waiting for her when
she checked in).

Sunflower Cookies
makes 4-5
· 2 cups
Whole Wheat Flour
· 2/3 cup Yellow Cornmeal
· ½ cup Shelled Sunflower Seeds (can substitute pumpkin seeds)
· 2 Tbsp Corn Oil
· ½ cup beef or chicken broth
· 2 eggs mixed with ¼ cup lowfat milk
· 2/3 cup Yellow Cornmeal
· ½ cup Shelled Sunflower Seeds (can substitute pumpkin seeds)
· 2 Tbsp Corn Oil
· ½ cup beef or chicken broth
· 2 eggs mixed with ¼ cup lowfat milk
Beat 1 egg. Lightly brush on cookie before baking
Beat 1 egg. Lightly brush on cookie before baking
Oven to 350 degrees. In a large bowl, mix dry ingredients and seeds
together. Add oil, broth, and egg mixture. Your dough should be firm. Let
sit for 15-20 minutes. On a lightly floured surface, roll out dough ¼ inch
thick. Cut into shapes and brush with glaze. Bake for 25-35 minutes until
golden brown. Cool. Store cookies in airtight container.
Substitutes for Wheat Flour
If your
dog is allergic to wheat or has a gluten intolerance, try substituting amaranth
flour, rice flour, millet flour, quinoa flour, chick pea flour, almond flour,
corn flour/starch/meal, oat flour, tapioca starch/flour, sorghum flour, potato
starch/flour, or even instant potatoes. Buckwheat and tapioca are gluten
free, but these flours may also contain wheat flour, so check the ingredients
before using. Rye, oat and barley flour are not gluten free but can be used for
some dogs.
Here's a
recipe for Wheat Free Salmon
are also some recipes for (human) gluten-free cookies that may give you some ideas
(remember that chocolate is toxic to dogs, you can use carob instead).
See the
following for more info on how to use flour substitites:
Using Alternative Flours
How to Substitute for Wheat Flour
The Cook's Thesaurus (see the links at the bottom for more information on gluten-free cooking and baking)
Using Alternative Flours
How to Substitute for Wheat Flour
The Cook's Thesaurus (see the links at the bottom for more information on gluten-free cooking and baking)
Note that
Gelatin can be used to hold things together without the use of grains or
carbohydrates, and it's good for the joints. Xantham gum, guar gum,
pre-gel starch or gelatin can help bind ingredients together when using
gluten-free flours.

For a Dog with Food Allergies
found that a liberal sprinkling of garlic powder has even made rice the
"flavor of the month" (see Note about garlic below)! One of my students has
to feed her 3 lbs Yorkie nothing but a special bladder diet that looks like
gray paste. We make teeny tiny balls of it, sprinkle on the garlic and bake
them in a toaster oven. To die for!

Low Fat/Low Protein/Low Phosphorus Dog Cookies
If you
want a snack that will be safe, here is the recipe for cookies with almost no
fat or protein. Super easy to make. Depending on how large you cut them ( I use
a heart shaped cutter that is approximately 1.5 " and get two cookie
sheets full of them), you can get enough from one batch for 2-3 weeks. Be sure
to freeze those you will not use within a week. These are perfect for
pancreatitis, for renal or liver problems since there is little fat or protein
in them. See recipe for how to make no-fat homemade chicken broth below*.
Note that
dogs with renal (kidney) disease should be fed a low phosphorus diet. If they
do not have liver or pancreas problems, fat is good, including butter. Egg
whites are also good to use, as they contain almost no phosphorus. There is no
need to limit phophorus for dogs with liver disease or chronic pancreatitis, so
any kind of flour can be used for them, but it is important to limit fat for
those dogs.
· 2-½
cups rice flour or white all-purpose bleached flour (these two are lowest in
phosphorus, which is best for kidney disease)
· ½ tsp. garlic powder, or fresh ground (see Note about garlic below)
· 6 Tbsp low sodium, low fat chicken broth*
· ½ cup cold water
· 1 cup cooked vegetables ground up (winter squashes, zucchini, and sweet potatoes are low in phosphorus, which is best for kidney disease)
· ½ tsp. garlic powder, or fresh ground (see Note about garlic below)
· 6 Tbsp low sodium, low fat chicken broth*
· ½ cup cold water
· 1 cup cooked vegetables ground up (winter squashes, zucchini, and sweet potatoes are low in phosphorus, which is best for kidney disease)
flour and garlic; mix in chicken broth and vegetable(s); add enough cold water
to form a ball; pat dough to ½" and cut into desired shapes; place on
non-stick cookie sheet and bake in preheated oven at 350F for 25 minutes. Cool on
a wire rack. Freeze what is not eaten within a week.
*Non Fat
Chicken Broth
You can
use a pressure cooker and complete this in 2 hours, or a stock pot and finish
in 24 hours.
skin from whole chicken OR chicken pieces ( in the pressure cooker I use 3 leg
quarters from which I remove the skin before cooking ). Place the chicken in
the pot with distilled water. For the pressure cooker, cook on high for 2 hours
and in the stock pot, simmer on low heat for 16-24 hours.
the chicken and bone from the broth and discard ( all the nutrients are in the
Pour the
broth into a fat separator ( looks like a pitcher with the spout coming from
the bottom ) After 10 minutes the fat will float to the top. Pour off the small
amount of fat at the top and pour the low fat broth to a container. Be sure to
watch what you are doing because near the bottom you will come to more fat and
will need to stop pouring into the pot and discard that part, too.
the broth and when it is cold, any fat remaining will be gelatin on the top.
You can remove part of it or you can pour the whole thing through a super fine
mesh strainer, which will stop the fat and allow the plain broth through. You
will find that after the broth has been used and you run your hand inside the
container, it will not be greasy.
some ideas for using hot dogs to make dog treats:
I nuke
hot dog coins for treats for adult/large dogs. They do turn into little
shrivelled rubbery or crispy or burnt bits (depending on how long they were in
the microwave) but the dogs love them, even burnt. The other thing I do to hot
dogs takes longer but is much safer for puppies or toysized dogs. I cut the hot
dog into quarters the long way, so I have four "spears." Then I cut
each spear into at least 50 pieces (200 pieces per hot dog). I put the pieces
into a metal strainer and boil them for 5-10 minutes--this gets rid of a lot of
the salt (which can make low bodyweight dogs puke) and the fat (which can be
too many undesirable calories). When they're done boiling, they still have a
lot of hot dog aroma and they are firm and rubbery in consistency. I keep these
in the fridge rather than nuking them, because they are easier for tiny dogs to
eat while still rubbery.

Hot dogs
have a lot of salt in them. I slice them in half and soak overnite in
cold water, microwave about thirty seconds wrapped in a paper towel. Gets
out much of the salt and makes them easier to manage.

I slice
mine twice lengthwise (quartering them) then slice crosswise about 40
times. For extra nice treats I nuke until crispy. I also make tasty
kibble and cheerio's by mixing a sliced and diced hotdog in a sealable bag with
em overnight. I think hotdogs slice a bit easier if warmed first.

I use
ordinary sausages, split them down the middle & put a little crushed garlic
in them and then grill them very, very slowly until they're nice and crisp (see
Note about garlic below). The dogs seem to love
the taste & smell of the garlic & of course garlic is good for them.

keep talking about nuking hot dogs in the microwave. With the fat removed, they
are still full of undesirable stuff. I like to get some cheap cuts of meat (not
too fat, usually beef-works out cheaper than hot dogs). They go into the
microwave for a few minutes. Then I cut them into very small pieces (it is
easier to cut cooked meat). Then the pieces go back into the microwave, covered
with the paper towel. I nuke them (stirring occasionally) for a few minutes,
until they are dry, but not rock solid. Nice to handle, fat free, but also easy
to eat for the dog. No salt, no preservaitives, no colouring etc. I freeze
portions of it and take it out as needed. My dogs love it. I do the same with

secret is to use ***Chicken Dogs**** Very important!!! The nuking dries them
out and they appear freeze-dried. They shrivel up and get almost crumbly, not
burnt/greasy like the other kinds of hot dogs. They are easy to have in a
pocket, though they will turn to crumbs and dust if crushed too much. I think
they are the ideal training treat, though I vary the "menu" with
cheese bits and "deli ends" cut up small.

I cut a
nice fat chicken dog into three strips lengthwise, turn it and cut that in
half, so I have 6 strips. Then I do them crosswise into 20 slices, so thats
120/hotdog. I microwave them at two dogs (cut up, spread out) for 6 minutes on
high. Even training 4 dogs we manage to make a package of 8 dogs last a while!
Stuffed Kongs (available at Amazon) are great for keeping a dog
occupied while in a crate or when you're gone. They give your dog an acceptable
outlet for their desire to use their mouths that might otherwise become
destructiveness. I give my dogs a stuffed kong when I leave for work, and they
practically push me out the door -- no separation anxiety here! Some people
feed their dogs their entire meals in kongs -- if they can't hunt for their
food, at least they can work for it. Below are some great recipes for how to
stuff a kong. Also see the following sites for additional tips:
- The Dog Food
Dude's Kong Stuffing Recipe video has a good, low-calorie recipe.
- Kong Stuffing 101
- Stuffing Kongs
- 7 Things to do
with a Kong

I bought
three Kongs the other day and finally used them night before last. The
dogs didn't get their run that day (icky, nasty weather and they had made a new
hole in the fence) and I needed some peace and quiet. I put a big piece
of biscuit in first to cover the small hole and a little bit of peanut butter
to make it stick. Then I mixed up a grab bag of treats: dog kibble, cat
kibble, cat treats, people jerky, and maybe something else. Then I alternated
treats with just enough peanut butter to make it stick. I had three
mighty happy campers, even Chelsea who is so hard to please, and even after
they had already eaten dinner.
I didn't
try tossing it about. The dogs weren't interested in playing. They were
only interested in lying there with the Kong in a death grip, licking away.

butter is the mortar, not the stuffing. I gather up an assortment of
treats of various sizes (depending on hard or easy I want to make it) - pieces
of dog biscuit, rice cake pieces, small cubes of cheese, etc. - dip it all in
peanut butter, and then stuff it all into the Kong. The size of pieces
depends on how long you want the entertainment to last!

for Peanut Butter:
Stuff'n Paste and Kong
Stuff'n Snaps (available from Amazon). Warning: my dog did not like
the Stuff'n Tots (and she likes everything), and I talked to someone else
who said the same about their dog.
How about canned cheese or squeeze cheeze? Or what about cream cheese--if you put it on a saucer and give it about 30 seconds in the microwave, it gets nice and squishy and then when it cools, it hardens again, which is REALLY good for dogs that think they're experts at unloading peanut butter Kongs. Chopped liver makes a nice addition to the cream cheese if you want a little variety--or just put a couple blobs of chopped liver in randomly, as a variable reward.
Try squeeze cheese, cream cheese, liverwurst, etc. - anything your dog likes and that is mortar-like.
Try Rollover, Redbarn, Oinkeroll, or make a paste of cat pounce and stuff that in there. Cheese works, or if you want a better stuffing toy, get a Goodie Ship or ball....they hold smaller treats in 3 different places, and I have also heard that the Buster cube works well.
Since peanut butter isn't an everyday item in this country (Finland), I had to try something else. I have been using normal canned dogfood. My dogs normally eat kibble, so they think that canned dog food is a real treat. They probably eat this faster than they would sticky peanut butter. It takes 15 minutes for Rusty to empty a Kong, and about half an hour for Mimmi.
How about canned cheese or squeeze cheeze? Or what about cream cheese--if you put it on a saucer and give it about 30 seconds in the microwave, it gets nice and squishy and then when it cools, it hardens again, which is REALLY good for dogs that think they're experts at unloading peanut butter Kongs. Chopped liver makes a nice addition to the cream cheese if you want a little variety--or just put a couple blobs of chopped liver in randomly, as a variable reward.
Try squeeze cheese, cream cheese, liverwurst, etc. - anything your dog likes and that is mortar-like.
Try Rollover, Redbarn, Oinkeroll, or make a paste of cat pounce and stuff that in there. Cheese works, or if you want a better stuffing toy, get a Goodie Ship or ball....they hold smaller treats in 3 different places, and I have also heard that the Buster cube works well.
Since peanut butter isn't an everyday item in this country (Finland), I had to try something else. I have been using normal canned dogfood. My dogs normally eat kibble, so they think that canned dog food is a real treat. They probably eat this faster than they would sticky peanut butter. It takes 15 minutes for Rusty to empty a Kong, and about half an hour for Mimmi.
freezing it! It has to thaw to be eaten... that slows the whole
process. I use the canned dog food and stick in a piece of rawhide or any
other chew which will fit.... then I freeze the whole thing.
I use the
sterilized bones (I pick the thick walled ones) and stuff them too. Really
anything safe, with a hole will do....

You can
also freeze fresh ground beef or chicken into a Kong. I call this a doggie
ice-cream cone. It provides hours of intrigue for a dog, and is also good for
those with sensitive digestion.
I have
never found peanut butter to make a mess. I find the dogs I care for lick up
every speck of the stuff. (It is less runny to begin with if you keep it
refrigerated.) I do run the empty Kong through the dishwasher occasionally.

The best
suggestion I ever got was from another clicker list. Someone suggested
putting some kibble in the Kong, then some cheese, then nuke the entire Kong (I
put it in a coffee mug to keep it upright). I then stick it in the
freezer TO COOL. The cheese acts as a glue and keeps the dogs busier a lot
longer than with peanut butter.
caveat: I nuked for 1 and a half minutes and the cheese got a little burnt. I
would say 45 seconds is probably plenty.

A totally
different way to stuff a Kong requires only one biscuit and a small smear of
peanut butter. Find a biscuit that has ends that are just wide enough so that
to insert it into the Kong, you have to squish the hole in the bottom down with
your hand. You want the biscuit to be otherwise on the smallish/thinnish side.
Take a little PB (or gooey stuff of choice) and smear a bit on the end of the
biscuit and just inside the hole of the Kong. Hand to your dog. Watch dog spend
two hours with Kong.
secret to this method is that the biscuit is too small for the dog to crush by
squeezing the Kong, it's just barely too large to fall out if the dog shakes or
throws the Kong and it's hard enough to not be crushed by sudden falls
(insulated by the Kong, of course). The PB just helps maintain the dog's
interest by giving them a little bit of easy success and then providing
olfactory temptation.
No matter
how I stuff a Kong full, it only takes my guys 15-20 minutes to unstuff them.
Chamois doesn't even take that long--she has always known The Holy Law of the
Jaw ("never let go") and so her jaw muscles are pretty developed for
a girl her size. She just stands there and mashes the Kong with her teeth and
everything falls out the end. But with a single biscuit literally rattling
around inside, she has to lick, throw it around, chew on it, go through her
whole considerable repertoire of removal tricks to get it out.

I have
been using a kong for a few weeks now and I think the idea is to keep
them busy for a substantial amout of time with it. 15 minutes and 1/2 hour
sounds pretty good as others have stated the same.
My method
is to stuff the kong with an assortment of treats, both chewy and hard, and the very last thing I
put in there is a small milk bone with just one end broken off. This is usually
a tough one as I do stuff the kong. I turn the milk bone sideways so it
actually blocks the opening and causes the dogs to "throw" that kong
around quite a bit to free up the contents. Then the rest just comes out as a
great big treat for a job well done. All 3 of my dogs engage in this till the
treats are released. Sometimes an hour or more time goes by. Very rarely under
1/2 hour.

I'm not
sure if any of you are familiar with Hill's T/D dog food. It's a dry diet
formulated to control dental tartar. Anyway, it comes in rather large
cubes (meant to MAKE the dog chew it) which wedge rather firmly into the Kong
opening. One T/D biscuit in a Kong will keep my dog busy for HOURS!!

I have
started filling Wendy's Kong with a mixture of small pieces of kibble
(different from her *meal* kibble) and lowfat yogurt. Then I put the Kong in the freezer, and voila,
Frozen Yogurt Crunch !! Wendy says....yuuummmm!!

another recipe using non-fat plain yogurt mixed
with kibble or other treats. To load the Kong, first seal the small hole in the
tip with a dab of peanut butter. Once sealed, stand several Kongs up in a bowl
or casserole dish with the sealed tip down and fill with them with the yogurt
mix. Freeze overnight to solidify. My German Shepherd Dogs go crazy for
these things and because they are frozen it takes a while for them to finish
one. Not as salty or fatty as cheese or peanut butter.

I have
been putting applesauce in a Kong (only ingredients are apples & water)--at
each end--not filling the whole thing, then freezing it. Doesn't seem to be
messy (yet!).

You can
also make a fruit smoothie and freeze it in a kong or dish for your dog. This
creates a healthy snack that is the equivalent of the Medifast diet for dogs. Healthy snacks like
these that are both healthy and delicious are a win-win for your canine friend!
A number
of the recipes above contain garlic, and many people have seen warnings not to
feed garlic to dogs. It is true that large quantities of garlic cause anemia in
dogs, but small amounts should not be harmful. Most dogs like the smell of
garlic, which makes treats more attractive, and fresh, crushed garlic may even
provide some health benefits, but it is fine to leave garlic out of these
recipes if you prefer. Onions are more toxic than garlic and should be avoided.
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