Wednesday, 4 June 2014


Know Thy Dog Spring Seminar

Every season has its hazards with Spring, we see the renewal of many problems for our canine friends.

Spring is the time of rebirth, of many grasses, molds, pollen and flowers it can also be the revival of environmental allergies in many dogs.



Like many humans a lot of dogs also suffer from allergies. It’s disputed that many breeds are more susceptible to allergies however any dog can have allergies. But similar to humans your dog could have an inherited predisposition to allergies.

Unfortunately dog’s symptoms are usually persistent scratching licking and biting themselves in order to find some relief from the itchiness. Often creating sores and in several cases secondary infections.

Dogs that have allergies due to breathing in pollens are called Canine atopy. Atopy is an extra sensitivity to inhaled allergen. Typically your dog starts scratching around the same time every year usually late July early August through September. Atopy is a harder allergy to deal with because you can’t easily eliminate the offending allergen. The uses of Antihistamine therapy may prove useful. Some other treatments may include medicated baths to soothe skin, immunotherapy, steroid medications or injections.

Contact your dogs Veterinarian under veterinary care you can receive a cortisone shot that will help give your dogs relief from itchy skin. *Atopica is a relatively new medicine. Atopica offers your dog relief from atopic allergic dermatitis. This drug seems to be effective with far fewer side effects then steroid treatments.

Anaphylactic Shock

Anaphylactic shock is the worst type of allergic reaction. This reaction is life threatening.

Common causes maybe insect bites, Antibiotics, certain foods.


Immediate treatment is needed. You can carry Epi pens for your pet if you know he is deathly allergic to a certain allergen. GET YOUR DOG TO THE VETS IMMEDIATELY



With the warm weather comes the arrival of parasites. Parasites are organisms that live on or in your dog. Parasites survive by nourishment from another organism (your dog). A parasite cannot live without a host, Fleas, Ticks, Intestinal worms, and Heartworm to name a few.

Parasite compromise the health of your dog and in many cases can cause severe problems.

We need to protect our dogs!

Poison plants

Harmful Spring plants keep these plants well out of the reach of your dogs. Research your choice of plants before planting. There are well over 700 springtime plants that are a danger to your pet. Even out for your walks you should know which Spring time plants to avoid.

Here are a few

Azalea- Causes vomiting, diarrhea, drooling, weakness coma

High blood pressure affects the Central Nervous System

Crocus- Excessive drooling, abdominal pain, diarrhea vomiting, loss of appetite

Daffodil- Severe gastrointestinal convulsions, low blood pressure, tremors

Tulip- vomiting, diarrhea, loss of appetite


If you see your dog, eat a plant that you know to be poisonous, induce vomiting. You have an 11/2 hour window depending on the size of your dog to induce vomiting. Any longer you must seek Veterinary help.

For a more detailed list, check out this website.

Know thy dog offers seasonal seminars if you are interested contact Julia

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